While planning my baby sister’s maternity session, we knew we wanted to capture a session that was a little bit different, definitely romantic, and of course, sweet.
We chose to venture to the infamous Kern River to capture this long-awaited session.
My sister has been trying for quite some time now to become pregnant with her first child. 18 months to be exact
She struggled with the many emotions that many moms out there can relate to. (See more at the end of this post…)
Wondering if becoming a mom would ever happen for her? Wondering if she was doing something wrong? Not trying hard enough? Trying too hard? Wishing too much? Wanting too much? Was it just not meant to be?
However, after many prayers, many failed attempts, doctors visits and finally, after possibly planning to try alternative medicine, she received the best news of her life! After “peeing on the stick” one last time before her fertility treatments started, she got the answer she had been waiting for. She was officially pregnant!
This session celebrates our excitement and anticipation as we wait for Julia Rose. 🙂
Here are a few of our favorites… enjoy!
(PS: doesn’t my sister look absolutely GORGEOUS and glowy?) Also… Stay tuned… baby Julia’s nursery photos are up next! 😀
They say good things come to those who wait. Well, the wait for us was a long time. 18 months to be exact.
For those parents who know the struggles of trying to conceive, there is no need to try to explain. But for those who don’t, the simplest way to describe it would be like having your heart broken over and over again.
Of course, everyone has an opinion once they find out you’ve been “trying”. That feeling of failure when you notice that look on their face as if they now pity you.
As I think back to those days, I can’t forget the intense emotional roller coaster it put us on. Every new month was like a fresh start. By the end, agonizing defeat.
The “two week wait” became all I could focus on. I planned all my events around fertile times. I obsessed over what I was or was not doing that could possibly help or hurt my chances. I became this fertility zombie. I selfishly put all my energy into conceiving.
The most common advice I received was to “stop trying”.
“Once you stop, that’s when it will happen”.
Yeah. Ok. Sure. I’ll stop “trying”. At least that’s what I said. But deep down I was still counting my cycle, buying ovulation kits and praying. I think the only thing I might have done was started drinking coffee again (moderately).
For anyone who has used ovulation kits, you will understand when I say that when you see that happy face, it’s like 10,000 angels lifting you up and then the most awesome feeling of euphoria takes over! The world stops and there is only ONE thing you want to do! Those happy faces ruled my world for many months.
Thank God for my husband. He was the only one keeping me sane during what I can look back on as one of my toughest times as an adult. Even though it was hard for him, too, he never showed it. He stayed so strong and positive. I honestly don’t know how he did it. When I would be so broken, just knowing that I had him next to me going through the same thing is what made me pick myself up and dry my tears. And boy were there a lot to dry.
As it turns out, there was nothing “wrong” with either of us. After 18 months we conceived our baby naturally. But the struggle was real. And I empathize with every other woman who ever had the want to be pregnant, and had to wait any amount of time.
Every story is different. This just happens to be ours. Although ours has a happy ending, I know not all do. And I am ever so grateful that we will have the opportunity to be parents, and we will strive to be the most loving kind.
We may not be perfect, but I know we will never take for granted our most cherished blessing, baby Julia Rose.
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It was December 10th, 2014 when Joe and Kim broke the news to me and said i was going to be an auntie, an auntie to Julia Rose. I screamed, I cried, and I laughed all at once and still no feeling could express how much happiness i felt that very moment. 31 weeks later we are anxiously counting down the days to hold Julia in our arms.
Take a moment to read and scroll through this blog post who’s beautiful pictures were taken by Marsha and story written by Kimi. So genuine and heartfelt in every way possible. I’ve always admired my sister-in-law for being the most loving and caring soul on this planet.
So very happy to be even a very small part of all this happiness. I love Kim and Joe. I only wish for you a life time of love for you and Julia Rose. Forever and always.XOXOXO
Omg Marsha! This is your absolute best ever!! Kim n joes pics are out if this world! Makes me feel as though I’m pregnant as I’m following your magnificent posts of this Most Blessed Event!! Happiness always for Kim n Joe n they will truly be amazing wonderful parents. They are doing everything right up to her arrival. Thank you for allowing us to follow her most lovely pregnancy:))
Beautiful story and such beautiful pictures to go with it. Thank you Marsha and kim for sharing your story. I cannot wait to meet Julia Rose.
[…] seriously, you can’t blame her. If you read my last post about her pregnancy story, you know she waited a long time for this moment. That’s a very long time to […]