The day was beautiful. Bright, blue sky with big, fluffy, white clouds. The air was thick with anticipation. Thousands of people were waiting to welcome home their loved ones. Seven…. long… lonely months were finally coming to an end. 220 days. It was almost surreal.
Being separated from the one you love is one of the toughest things a person can experience. Choosing to be separated for a great cause… such are the lives of the ones who sign up to serve our country (and the loved ones that are left behind to endure each day as normal as possible.) Each day is a bittersweet, brave choice. You’re proud to serve this beautiful country we live in, yet you miss your loved ones so very much… and you know your loved ones are missing you and worried about you, yet PROUD of your service.
I’ve been blessed to witness the amazing story of Brittany and Andrew. I’ve know Andrew for awhile now, but I met Brittany a couple years ago when she asked me to be the photographer for her wedding… little did I know that I would not only capture their beautiful union, but that I was going to experience a little life journey with them.
It all started with The Happiest Place on Earth…. followed by the union of a Princess and Prince… a little Love in the Rain never hurt anyone… and now this… homecoming!
It was so hard to keep my emotions at bay being all sensitive-like that I am. 😉 To witness the pure elation of families reuniting, hugs, kisses, more hugs… makes me appreciate each day with my loved ones (and the sacrifice of the men and women choosing to serve and protect our freedom) so much more. I am so proud of every single service member (and their families!)
I love this couple so much! Brittany has been an inspiration; a true, brave soul that anyone that has the privilege to call her “friend”, is lucky beyond all stars. 🙂 hehe…
If you have the time, (and a box of tissue handy), check out Brittany’s deployment blog. To be honest, there were times that I had to stop reading because it is so raw, so emotional… but such an inspiration!!
I’m looking forward to capturing more of their beautiful life journey…
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