The newest trend in maternity photography?
Gender reveal photo shoots.
Gender reveals are a lot of fun to put together and if your loved one(s) live out of town or overseas, a fun photo shoot to reveal the gender of your baby is so much more fun than a “it’s a >insert boy or girl<!” phone call.
So when Erika first contacted me about coming up with some ideas for her very own gender reveal, I jumped at the chance to create a fun and original photo montage to reveal to family and friends.
Follow along and see if you can guess! 😀
Check out these super cute nails by Rachel Cordova!
Before we headed out for the photoshoot, Erika and Jose found out the gender of their baby with their family…Â Here is a fun slideshow of their reactions to finding out IT’S A GIRL!
How did we do it? Follow the instructions below to re-create your very own!
So much fun right??
We did the same thing for my sister on Valentine’s day and it was so much fun! (Unfortunately, there are no photos of that reveal since I was SO excited, I forgot my camera! Bad sister.)  😉
Luckily, we do have a go-pro video of everyone’s reactions… there were lots of tears, jumping up and down, and laughs!
And since I’m a sucker for feel-good stories, I’d love to hear your pregnancy or gender reveal ideas/stories! 😀
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